
03 April 2019

Pedro Halffter: Lecture series on “Mahler, a life in symphonies”

The series of lectures will take place on 3, 10 and 25 April 2019 in the Marquis Palace of Salamanca, the headquarters of the BBVA Foundation in Madrid.

On the three evenings, Pedro Halffter will look at the biographical and musical aspects of Gustav Mahler’s symphonies.

The topics are: “From the beginnings to the first symphony”, “The Sixth Symphony and the blows of fate” and “The 7th Symphony, a new way”

Allegro ma non troppo // 4. Arnold Schoenberg (Orquestaciones)
  1. Allegro ma non troppo // 4. Arnold Schoenberg (Orquestaciones)
  2. Alegro // 4. Arnold Schoenberg (Orquestaciones)